Friday, May 21, 2010

Vacation May 2010

We recently took a vacation to Destin, FL. We had great weather and also celebrated Jordan's 6th birthday while there! Our condo...

The birthday girl!

At Fudpuckers for Jordan's bday dinner :)

Deac jumped in the pool to me approx 6, 000 times while we were there, lol!

And Jordan jumped in, by herself, approx 6,000 times :)

She loooooved the ocean. Deacon was not too sure about it though...

So he played in the sand a lot

At the arcade. I'm not sure who wants a motorcycle more, Deacon or Bernard?

My beach babies :)

They loved the 4 wheelers and boats that were for sale....

At Fudpuckers, holding a baby alligator. Deacon was not about to have any part of it

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A few words/pics

Wow, it's already May! For our family, that means Mother's Day, Jordan's birthday, school getting out, and a beach vacation! We are excited for all of these things! 2 things Jordan is very into right now....writing and her dad!
Crashing with Dad
Deacon and his x-ray craft at school.

Spring soccer ended last week....Jordan and her participant trophy.

Jordan and Shelby love the frogs outside our basement window!

Definitely no problem in the confidence department ;)

Ice cream faces!

We are going on vacation for beach toys!