Here are some random summer pics so far....we have been doing lots of swimming, riding bikes, playing with friends, etc. Jordan completed the Summer Reading Program at the Library and got lots of fun little prizes. Deacon took swimming lessons and has come a long way in the pool this summer. Jordan starts her cheerleading this week and we are taking a vacation to Florida before school starts. Cousins Jaden and Jachin were in town visiting from Louisiana for 2 weeks! We had lots of fun, including swimming, Chuck E. Cheese, the fair, and 3 sleepovers!
Lemondade Stand with Jaden and Jachin!

Lunch at Montana Mike's after church....

Jordan and her babies...

Jordan and cousin Ava eating popscicles out back. They (Ava and Ella) have been coming to our house on some random Mondays this summer...

Hangin at Ceraland Pool..

Jumping off the side at Katie's house...


Homerun derby at Aunt Robbyn/Uncle Gary's...Jordan bats as Deacon, Ava & Ella watch...

Who hoooo!

Outside Vacation Bible School!

Deacon slept with his bible from VBS :)

Earlier this summer, Deacon took private swimming lessons...he started out not too sure about it but ended up making lots of progress:)...he's now jumping off the side with no help and putting his head under water...yay!
Deacon sulking while Kim tries to get him to get in...
