The boy is a walking accident, I tell ya. He's not clumsy, just so rough and brave! He was barreling around this evening as usual. Plowed into a little table/stand thing and knocked off the ceramic dog that sits on broke as it hit his head. I thought for sure he'd need stitches....lots of blood, the gash kinda hung open. It stopped bleeding pretty quickly tho....kept seeping blood but not "bleeding". Bernard's dad was on duty at the ambulance service so we went over there. Their advice was that it could possibly need stitches but would also prob heal fine on it's own....would prob scar either way. We went ahead and opted to not take him to the e.r. ..........hoping it heals ok on it's own. Poor baby.....he took it like a champ tho. Cried hard for maybe a minute then was on to the next adventure!

A few min after it happened

After going to see Grandad, and getting a band-aid

A few hours later, with a fresh band-aid
Sounds like you may be visiting the ER with this little guy a lot in the near future! Definately ALL BOY! Gotta love that!
Sounds like you may be visiting the ER with this little guy a lot in the near future! Definately ALL BOY! Gotta love that!
Deacon is so cute. Looks like he's very proud of his "owies." Hope you guys are feeling better now!!
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